


114申請公告 2025 Application of the "Voyage of Discovery Scholarship: Uncover New Frontiers” for Study Abroad"

National University of Hospitality and Tourism

“Voyage of Discovery Scholarship: Uncover New Frontiers” for Study Abroad

2025 Application Announcement


I. This announcement is by the implementation guidelines of the "Voyage of Discovery Scholarship: Uncover New Frontiers" For Study Abroad of the National University of Hospitality and Tourism, and is hereinafter referred to as “NKUHT scholarship”.



II. Eligibility for Application

  1. Currently enrolled students at NKUHT.
  2. Those who have been accepted by the Study Abroad Programs or dual-degree programs conducted by the International Affairs Office (hereinafter referred to as the IAO) in the academic year 2024-2025. The expected departure time going broad is the academic year 2025-2026, with a study period of at least one semester/quarter or longer.
  3. Students who have previously participated in Study Abroad Programs or dual-degree Programs, or who have terminated their participation at any time before, are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.
  4. Students who have already applied for the Ministry of Education's 2025 Xuehai Scholarships (教育部學海計畫)do not need to apply for the NKUHT scholarship again. Both scholarships will be jointly reviewed. If applicants for the Xuehai scholarship do not meet the criteria but meet the qualifications outlined in items 1 to 3 above, their application will be automatically transferred to the NKUHT scholarship selection process."

III. How to Apply

    1. Required Documents (Please download attachments):

 (1) Scholarship Application Form (including photocopies of identification documents).

 (2) Affidavit on Application (as attached form format)

 (3) Language Certificate

 (4) NKUHT official academic transcript (Please apply from the Academic Affairs Office, showing the class ranking and conduct grades.)

 (5) Photocopies of other documents are beneficial for review.

 (6) Proof of acceptance of the Study Abroad Programs (offer letter issued by the overseas schools,  IAO notice, or emails…can be included.)

   2. Submission

  Please organise the application documents in order (fastened at the top left corner) and submit them to the International Affairs Office  (4th floor, Administration Building A) by 17:00 on Wednesday, 26 February 2025. Incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted.

IV. For specific information on the amount of scholarship award, evaluation criteria, necessary documents for each stage for recipients (including format and item requirements), maintaining eligibility, etc., please refer to the scholarship guidelines and updates from the International Affairs Office.

V. Contact Person

  • International Affairs Office / International Cooperation Section/ Mary
  • TEL: 07-8060505 ext. 17102 / Email: s1130603@mail.nkuht.edu.tw
  • Office: 4th Floor, Building A










  1. 本校在學學生。

  2. 通過113學年度由本校國際事務處(下稱國際處)與國外大學(包含港、澳)辦理之出國研修暨實習或雙聯學位甄選錄取者。出國時間預計為114學年度(2025-2026年),研修期程至少一個學期/學季(含)以上。

  3. 學生如為第二次報名參加本校海外研修暨實習、雙聯學位甄選,或因故於出國期間終止等任一情況者,不得申請本獎學金。

  4. 已提出114年度教育部學海飛颺、學海惜珠獎學金申請者無需再提出。兩項獎學金將採聯合審查,若學海申請人未通過審查但符合本獎學金前述第(一)至(三)點資格者,其申請文件將自動轉入本獎學金評選作業。


  • 應繳文件(各式請下載附件):

  1. 獎學金申請表(含身份證明文件影本)。

  2. 申請切結書

  3. 語文能力證明

  4. 歷年成績單正本(請向教務處申請,須顯示班排名及操性成績)

  5. 其他有利審查證明影本

  6. 海外研修暨實習方案甄選通過證明(研修學校錄取通知、國際處公告或信件佐證等)

  • 繳交方式

請於114年2月26日(星期三)17:00前, 將申請文件依序排好(左上固定),繳交至國際處辦公室(行政大樓A棟四樓),缺漏件不予受理,逾時不候。



國際事務處/國際合作組 吳孟璇

聯絡電話:07-8060505 ext. 17102 / Email: s1130603@mail.nkuht.edu.tw

