【說明會Info Session】2024澳洲昆士蘭大學碩士1+1 Program 說明會 Master's 1+1 Program Information Session
【說明會Info Session】2024澳洲昆士蘭大學碩士1+1 Program 說明會 Master's 1+1 Program Information Session
澳洲昆士蘭大學預計於9月30日(周一)下午12:40 於H504 舉行約一小時的碩士1+1 Program 說明會。
主講人:Michael Chen Regional Manager (Greater China)
Faculty of Business Economics and Law
The University of Queensland
Master's 1+1 Program Information Session The University of Queensland, Australia, is pleased to announce an upcoming information session regarding the Master's 1+1 Program. The session is scheduled at H504 for Monday, October 30th, at 12:40 PM and is anticipated to last approximately one hour.
Presenter: Michael Chen Regional Manager (Greater China)
Faculty of Business Economics and Law
The University of Queensland
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/N1aUGsnn73ukJV7z9